Go Thou And Do Likewise

My reply to a ministry from another country talking about how God is planning to judge America with a nuke:

What should Christians do for America? How about interceding? How about praying that God will intervene? Read the story of Sodom and of God’s responses to Abraham when he asked…Will you not destroy it for the sake of..what did God say back to him??

How about Christians getting out of their religious, pious, condescending, “I hope God sends a nuke to America, so I can be proven right” attitudes, and PRAY! Do you pray will all your heart for God to intervene in America as well as your own wicked, socialists nations? How about going into the marketplace, even politics, and actually doing something?

What is wrong with America? Could it be that Christians, Christian leaders for, lo, too many years, have abdicated their leadership in society to the ungodly? “Let’s just build our little Christian kingdoms, fight each other, and complain about how the wicked rule.” It is sickening to me how weak and impotent the church is.

Here is an example of someone doing something to effect change:       One group of Christian warriors, centerformedicalprogress.org, led by a young man, David Daleidin, worked for 2 years infiltrating Planned Parenthood to obtain videos exposing the evil that’s been going on for years. Because of his group’s work, we have a chance to see a change in the abortion industry. Thank God for them! They have done something that apparently the entire Christian community in America had no power to do since 1973. These are people I want to give tithes and offerings to.

Where are the fighting men, and women, in God’s ARMY??? I have been born again, Spirit filled since the 70’s. I for one, have had it with doing nothing Churchianity.

A few months ago, a good number of Christians from Australia fasted and prayed for America. That was like cool water on a hot day.

America is in pain. America is right now the certain man that fell among thieves in Luke 10. Who will be the good Samaritan to us in our time of need? Will you pass by and prophecy death to us, or will you pour in the oil and wine by praying with love and compassion?

“Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?
And he said, He that shewed mercy on him.

Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.” Luke 10:36,37