Category Archives: Israel

In Jerusalem…I will awaken the Dawn

Good morning, my friends, from the most holy place on earth! The place where my Lord and Savior, was born, grew up, died for you and me, was resurrected and ascended to His Father.

Recover All

I’ve been anticipating this trip for about 4 years. As some of you have read before in my Facebook posts, around 4 years ago, I went out to sit on the lanai at home in Florida. As I was just sitting and resting in the sunshine, I heard the Lord say to me, “If you will go and bless My people, Israel, I will heal you of all the losses in your life. I was, at first, surprised that he would use those words. Although I have had many losses, as most of you have,  I have received healing, and I don’t live in the past.

But, as I pondered this, I knew it was a promise for not only myself, but for my husband, Michael Q Pink, my family, my loved ones, and for whosoever will receive it. Michael and I believe that, just like the Lord told David in 1 Samuel 30:8, to pursue and Recover All, He is telling us the same. Some of you know of the healing miracles that God has done in our lives. There is much to share, and I hope we have the opportunity to do this with some of you in person, when you come to Israel with us on our next trip: the Recover All tour.

So, this trip comes after many delays. I am finally on the ground. I don’t know what all the Lord has in mind, but first, I am here to pray for Israel, to pray for today’s election, and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We have already begun. Michael and I prayed last night for this much loved city. One of the things that I felt the Lord say to me as we prayed last night, was that from the founding of this nation, in 1948, if it were not for the prayers of the saints, the enemies of Israel would have already overtaken her. God works through His people! We are His prayer vessels, His intercessors, to stand in the gap. Lord, help us to be faithful.

I will awaken the dawn

I am a late sleeper. I can stay up late with the best of them, but have to have my rest in the morning. However, not THIS morning. As anyone who knows me knows, I am not accustomed to seeing the sunrise. But this morning, I was awake before dawn. I lay here praying. At first, praying that I would go back to sleep! But then, praying for the Lord to have His perfect way in us while we are here. We want to bless His people. Maybe find an orphanage to reach out to, or some work of the Lord to bless. So far, we have a lovely place to stay and the hotel staff are so precious.

Around 4:30 a.m. I began to hear the birds waking up, so I took this little video from the bathroom window. ( Shhhh…don’t wake up Michael, who is enjoying his sleep. )

“My heart, O God, is steadfast;

I will sing and make music with all my soul.

Awake, harp and lyre!

I will awaken the dawn.

I will praise you, Lord, among the nations;

I will sing of you among the peoples.

For great is your love, higher than the heavens;

your faithfulness reaches to the skies.

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;

let your glory be over all the earth.”