Why American Preachers will not unify against the anti-God White House.

My Lord and my God! Thank You, Lord, and thank you, brother Mario Murillo!

You have said it so much better than I have been struggling to say it for quite some time. I have written some posts trying to express my frustration on this topic. I am filled with a sense of validation because of what my heart has known, and at the same time, a brokenness that this is true about church leaders, as a whole.

I woke up this morning, hours before this post came before my eyes, thinking of the urgency of the hour for our beautiful America, and feeling so helpless to do anything about it that it makes me cry. I have to confess, it makes me so angry. I see preachers just carrying on, preaching and teaching as usual, and it comes across to me as so irrelevant, so I just tune them out. I was thinking this morning, before getting out of bed, “Be careful that you don’t allow your heart to become hardened, so that you never want to listen to a preacher again.” I have wondered, “Is it just me? Am I off track?” If I see this, why don’t they see it? Does anyone care? I suspect many people are feeling the same.
And the church is looking like the security guard without a gun at a mass shooting!
It will take someone who has the passion about this that you have. Mario Murillo, are you sure you are not the one?

Mario Murillo Ministries

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Why American Preachers will not unify against the anti-God White House.

By Mario Murillo

You deserve to know why.  There are 500,000 ministers in America.  If they would unify and stand for Bible values, it would end the insanity of the White House overnight.  Why won’t they unify?

Make no mistake.  I am not anti-church and I am especially not anti-pastor.  I am loyal to my fellow preachers.  I am committed to the local church.

But I am also against the lie that says ministers should mind their own business while America is ringing down the drain.

This post has one passion.  It is to provoke someone far more influential than I.  Whoever that person is needs to stand now and use every last drop of their influence.  They must unify the ministers of America into one mighty voice.  It is time for a non-violent revolution; a firewall against the…

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It’s Time To Exert That Power!

I have been lamenting for quite some time about my frustration over the lack of influence that Christians have in our society at large.

Seems I am not the only one who has noticed. Here are some statements made by Donald Trump to a group of Christian ministers who recently went to pray for him. When speaking of how Christianity is being attacked in America, here is what he said to the group…

“It’s ridiculous. I think we had such a long period of Christian consensus in our culture that we kind of got…spoiled. Is that the right word?”

“Every other ideological group in the country has a voice. If you don’t mind me saying so, YOU GUYS HAVE GOTTEN SOFT. I mean, ‘we’ myself included, we’ve had it easy as Christians for a long time in America. That’s been changing.”

“People who identify themselves as ‘Christian’ make up probably the single largest constituency in the country but there is absolutely no unity, no punch in exercising that power. Not in political consensus or any other area I can see.”

Then, today, I came across a video of Lou Dobbs on a Fox News show called Outnumbered.

Trumps words are a call to repentance!

That’s us, Church. No unity and no punch in exercising that power. Oh, Jesus, I want to weep. God gave us this country and we have let it down. I think we have let Him down. I grieve about that personally. I know it doesn’t apply to everyone personally, but collectively, as a whole, we have not tended our garden. We’ve done church, and had a glory time, but most of us have neglected to influence our culture. Yes, we must pray. Pray and believe. But, if we don’t speak out and act, we are going to lose our country. It’s almost too late. That’s the sad fact. We have to get out of our comfort zones and make our voices heard. It is no secret that if we turned out in numbers and let our voices be heard, we could change a lot of things. If we, as God’s people are not willing to fight for this wonderful country that we are so blessed to live in, then what do we expect? The next election will decide the direction of our country. Will we still be a people who honor our foundation of Judeo-Christian principles or will we take the path of Socialism?

Over the years, we have held big prayer meetings in Washington D.C. and repented for the sins of the sinners, immorality, etc. But, have we, as the Church, repented for our own sins of omission when it comes to “governing” our country? “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” James 4:17

We need a national call to repentance for the Church for letting our country down. For not being the stewards of the land that God gave us. For not being the salt and light that we should have been. For being so selfish and self absorbed with our own lives, ministries, or professions that we allowed our country to disintegrate around us. I want to hear this like a loud resounding trumpet call.

When I hear men like Donald Trump and Lou Dobbs calling for Christians to stand up and fight, I pay attention!  Did you notice the last thing that was said in the video? When the girl says, “Christianity is powerful.” Lou Dobbs said, “And it’s time to exert that power!” Wow.

Thats the word for God’s people in this hour!