Prayerful Thoughts

Over 30 years ago, I was taken into a vision and saw Jesus. He said to me, “My people don’t know how much I love them. I have done all that I can to show them. Greater love hath no man than this:that a man lay down His life for his friends.”

So, I was just now thinking about this vision. We don’t have to beg the Lord to help us in this battle. He LOVES His people. He is on our side! He is for us!

He said, “Why are you crying to Me? Take up your rod (of authority) and command the Red Sea to part! Command the mountain to be removed and cast into the sea! The Holy Spirit lives in us! We have the gift of the working of miracles in us. We have the gift of faith in us.

He said, “I’m looking at you, My people. Will I find faith on the earth?”
If we are to do greater works than these, as Jesus spoke, then we must DO IT! Not beg Him to do what He wants us to do! We speak and decree and declare in His name!

We don’t have to convince God to do what He wants to see happen. He is saying, “YES! I’m all for it! I’m on your side. I’m on the side of righteousness and holiness, freedom, fair elections, a government that honors My Name, a President that honors Me, a President that blesses Israel and My church!

YES! YES! YES! I’m with you!

The Power Of Words

At a time when so many delight in speaking evil and carrying out evil deeds against our country and it seems their plan is to destroy the foundations, what can the righteous do?

One thing we have to guard against, is being unwitting participants by speaking negative words over our own nation and expecting doom. Things like, “It’s going to get a lot worse.” I see that as agreeing with the plans of the enemy! We have to overcome the darkness and the hate filled words of those who curse our nation.

We certainly would not do this intentionally, but are we aware of how powerful the words of our mouth are? The bible is filled with scripture concerning the power of words.

Genesis 1:3 says that God created everything by first speaking it. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And so on and so on and so on until He saw that it was good.

Furthermore, He holds the universe together by the power of that word.
“The Son is the radiance and only expression of the glory of [our awesome] God [reflecting God’s Shekinah glory, the Light-being, the brilliant light of the divine], and the exact representation and perfect imprint of His [Father’s] essence, and upholding and maintaining and propelling all things [the entire physical and spiritual universe] by His powerful word [carrying the universe along to its predetermined goal].” Hebrews 1:3 Amplified

Romans 4:17 says that “God gives life to the dead and calls those things that are not as though they were.” How powerful is THAT? !

Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” The Message version puts it this way: “Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.”

Of course, we know what James chapter 3 says about the unruly tongue. “Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.” Let us keep ourselves from the latter.

Proverbs 17:27-28 “A man of knowledge uses words with restraint and a man of understanding is even-tempered. Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.”

One of my favorites: “When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise.” Prov 10:19

“From the fruit of his lips, a man is filled with good things.” Prov. 12:14

I could go on and on. But, you have a bible, too. (There should be a smiley face here.) Seriously, Proverbs is a good place to get some good instruction and wisdom. Read a chapter per day. And don’t just read it, but apply it to your life. The word of God will change you if you take it into your heart.

Speaking life is an on going discipline. It’s like people who exercise regularly until it becomes a habit and it goes from being a dread to being something they look forward to. The more we practice holding our tongue from speaking negative and speak life instead, the more we desire to walk in light.

Positive words are good, but the word of God is “living and active and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective]. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit [the completeness of a person], and of both joints and marrow [the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 Amplified

So, when you can, speak the pure word of God. Mixed with faith, it produces results!

The United States of America needs us right now as much and maybe more, than ever before. We might not be in a position to preach from the rooftops, but we can do our part to pray that we would be restored to a nation who honors God and His word, knowing that He hears us and that we have those things that we ask of Him.

And we can watch our mouth and declare the powerful word of God over the land that He chose to allow us to live in. Acts 17:26

It is an honor and a privilege to be a citizen of this country that He providentially raised up for His glory. Our children and the younger generation need to be taught this truth.

Let us be imitators of God, as dear children, and walk in love, even love for our beloved America!

The Weapon of Praise

“But you will sing, sing through an all-night holy feast!

Your hearts will burst with song, make music like the sound of flutes on parade,

En route to the mountain of God on the way to the Rock of Israel.

God will sound out in grandiose thunder, display his hammering arm, Furiously angry, showering sparks-cloudburst, storm, hail!

Oh yes, at God’s thunder, Assyria will cower under the clubbing.

Every blow God lands on them with his club is in time to the music of drums and pipes

God in all-out, two-fisted battle, fighting against them.”

Is 30:29-32

Lord… Who Will Win The Election??

Since the day Trump announced his candidacy, I believed he was the only one who could beat Hillary, and that was what was necessary. I would spend a lot of time on social media in support of him and engaging in ”debate” with others, although I don’t like debating.

The most frustrating thing was to try to get through to Christians who seemed to have a brain block and did not understand that it was not about whether Trump was a Christian or not. This was true even after he was nominated as the Republican candidate for President. America was about to fall off the cliff and he was our only chance.

Remember how a lot of Republicans were still not with him until after he took office? When I think of some of them, some no longer in office, it reminds me of Rev. 3:16. You know, the “spew you out” verse. That period of time was so intense, so stressful. We were in the battle for our nation, as I perceived it, not unlike the Revolutionary War.

Sometime in September 2016, I knelt beside my bed and asked the Lord, “Who will win the election? Please just tell me.” He said,”That’s the wrong thing to ask. Don’t ask. You SAY! Declare what you desire about the election.” I began to declare Mark 11:23. “Mountain of impossibility” (that Trump could win) “be removed and cast into the sea.”

Remember how the media kept saying “He can’t get to 270 electoral votes. Impossible. There is no path to victory.” I kept declaring, “Mountain of removed and cast into the sea!” I had my ups and downs as far as feeling hopeful, but I just kept declaring….by faith. I am actually pretty conservative about putting my faith out there. I think that I’ve missed a lot by being too cautious, not wanting to say something is of God, when maybe it’s just me.

On November 8th, election day, I woke up feeling anxious in my spirit; just feeling down. I was making my lunch around noon. While standing at the stove, I reached way down into my spirit, and just out of obedience, I simply declared the scripture once again, visualizing it, as I always did.

SUDDENLY, I felt like I was “jerked up!” I was quickly taken up and I KNEW that he had already won!!!

This was not hoping. It was real!

I was shouting, praising God, dancing around in my kitchen. My husband called and I was so excited, shouting… “He’s already won!!!” He was happy that I was happy, but he thought, ”Ok. That’s great.” LOL

That joy never left, and that night, as we watched the returns and the media was still saying that Hillary would win, I was so joyful because I knew what was going to happen.

I can’t describe it. I just knew!

Needless to say… when he was declared the winner and Hillary conceded, it was a party!! My husband and I went outside and danced in the street in front of our house. (Something I said that I would do from the beginning.)

I’ve had other people, including non Christians, say that they knew Trump would win in 2016. But, this is MY story, and to me it was an awesome miracle! A supernatural experience. I am so grateful to the Lord for it. I post this here tonight to hopefully be an encouragement to all you warriors of God.

By the way, he didn’t get to 270 electoral votes. He got to 306!!!

Today, I kept singing that old song”He didn’t bring us this far to leave us. He didn’t teach us to swim to let us drown. He didn’t build His home in us to move away. He didn’t lift us up to let us down.”

IF My People

I am praying for our President to have God’s wisdom, (uncommon wisdom, the kind that He gave to Solomon) to make the decisions that he is about to make regarding opening our great country for business.

I mean, SERIOUSLY, I believe for God to give him answers as he reaches out to the Lord for wisdom. Some of God’s people aren’t just talking. We are praying!

Here is what I am asking the Lord, because of His great mercy and grace, to fulfill for America:

Jeremiah 33:6, 9-11 Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security… Then this city will bring me renown, joy, praise and honor before all nations on earth that hear of all the good things I do for it; and they will be in awe and will tremble at the abundant prosperity and peace I provide for it… there will be heard once more the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bridegroom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the Lord, saying, ‘Give thanks to the Lord Almighty, for the Lord is good; His love endures forever.’ For I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were before,’ says the Lord.”

Purim Prayers

Ask, Seek, Knock

Matthew 7:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Father, because of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I come boldly to Your throne!

I ask for Your continued intervention in America. Continue to send forth Michael, the archangel and the heavenly host, O Lord of Hosts, that they will war in the heavens on behalf of Your people and of this nation. Turn back the tide of evil that wants to destroy our President and this movement. I pray that every evil plot that is being devised in secret will be exposed. Those who set a trap for him will fall into it themselves. Those who dig a pit for him will fall into it themselves.

Surround him, according to Ps 91, so that Your angels would bear him up in their hands and he won’t dash his foot against a stone. I pray this also for his entire family, for Vice President Pence, for the entire cabinet and all those supporting him.

Let Your divine favor shine upon him, that even those who come close to him will be drawn to him and that as he does what is pleasing to You, even his enemies will be at peace with him.

I ask that You expose the betrayers in the White House and wherever else they may be. Root out the ones who want to stop what You have begun.

In the media, shut the mouths of those who vehemently oppose our President. You are a God of miracles! Nothing is too hard for You! I pray that even in mid sentence, they would stumble over their words, and say, “But, he is doing good things for the country.”

I pray for boldness for him! Boldness to continue to fight for what is right! Thank You that he humbled himself to take on this giant, knowing that it would be the fight of his life! Just like David, as all his brothers in the line passed by, You chose the unlikely one! The one who had been working in the field away from Washington DC. For the Lord doesn’t look on the outward appearance. The Lord looks on the heart.

Lord, I don’t want a warrior who fits some “appearance” of humility to lead this country. I want President Trump whose face is set like flint to win the victory for us! I ask that the church would learn how to pray! I ask that women would realize that we don’t need a weak, wimpy, effeminate leader! Please! Enough!

I pray and seek You, Father, for a change in media, in entertainment and in music. Lord, pour out Your Spirit upon this land and rid us of the filth and degradation! Raise up someone in music that will bring forth a new sound, a new genre of music that is wholesome and encouraging to bless the whole world!

Change the hearts of people to desire something positive, something good and something pure. It’s time for new to come forth!  Lord, I seek You for a revolution in music and entertainment!

I am knocking, Father, for that great outpouring of Your wonderful Spirit, like a mighty rushing wind, upon this nation. I ask, seek and knock, Oh Lord, for another Great Awakening upon this land and the world. Let Your Spirit fall upon us that we may shine the light of  Your good news and Your love to the ends of the earth!

For Your Great Name’s Sake, I pray.


Win Or Be Holy?

Open Bible on American Flag

I am so blown away by Christians in this election. Everyone has a right to vote for their choice. But here’s what is happening. Christians are calling people who vote for Trump everything in the book. Actually, NOT in the book..(Bible). These Christians have decided that if someone votes for Trump… you must be the biggest sinner on the planet. (Too bad they weren’t that concerned about your salvation before this election.)

So, this is my response to someone’s video that I just watched. Some guy said that you should not be concerned about winning (re:Trump talks about we are going to win again, as a country.) This guy says we shouldn’t care about winning, as a country, but about being holy. Of course, then he says we must vote for Ted Cruz, so we can be holy. So, here is my response to the video:

“Ted Cruz would lose. No doubt about it. He is not carrying even the states, the demographics, that are supposed to be his strength. He will not bring in votes from Independents nor disenfranchised Democrats, that Trump is bringing in. He would lose, probably worse than Romney did.

So, you get Hillary for probably 8 years. America will be gone for good! Is that what you want? If you think winning is bad…there you go. You got it. Then you can be really holy because you’ll be persecuted as never before, and so will your children and your children’s children. But, hey…maybe God’s Providential America is not that important to you.”

I just don’t see what is so hard to understand. My litmus test for a candidate is if they are pro-life. I would never in a million years vote for someone who is pro-abortion.

Do I wish Donald Trump acted a little more “Presidential”? Yes. But, I also wish Ted Cruz didn’t stand up and twist the truth for which he has earned his nickname. (You know, Lyin Ted)  I also wish Marco Rubio had not betrayed the people who helped him get elected when he led the fight for amnesty as soon as he got into office. I also wish John Kasich was not the liberal guy he is. But, even beyond that, I want a candidate who can beat Hillary. As I see it, Trump is the only one who has even a chance for that.

As far as Trump acting Presidential, I actually think we NEED the fighter. My girly side says yes, I wish he was a bit more subdued. But, the side of me who knows we must fight for what is left of our country says, ” Go Trump!” Speak the truth about illegal immigration. Speak the truth about corruption in Washington. Speak the truth about candidates who are bought and paid for. Who else has had the courage to tackle things like political correctness that has tried to snuff out our rights for years now, and getting worse. Until Trump came along and blasted it right between the eyes, you would never have heard anyone speak so directly.

So, pardon me while I try my best, with the little that I have, to do all that I can to get someone other than a Socialist in the White House.

Think of me whatever you want. We, as a country, are in deep trouble. I love my America and I believe God wants to bless us once again.

Life or Death For America

Some Christians are so concerned about whether or not Trump is a Christian. He says he is a Christian and proud of it.  God knows.

I would ask these same Christians this: Who did you vote for in the last election? Mitt Romney or Barack Obama? Not much of a choice, was it? But, I didn’t hear all the hoopla from conservative Christians about having to vote for a Mormon.  Ah, yes, I guess because he looks all “holy” on the outside.

Do they not know that just because a person appears “righteous” on the outside, doesn’t mean they are on the inside? Mormonism has always been considered a cult by traditional Christianity.

Also, Romney was, and is, NO conservative. Of course, there were a lot of Christians who actually voted for Obama, as unbelievable as that is. He had the most liberal voting record in the Senate, and we see how he has continued that as President.
Trump in Prayer
If you read your bible, you will discover that many times, people were used by God that were, for sure, “outsiders”. One of many examples is found in Matthew chapter 1, vs 5, 6…

The Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah:
“Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab, (that would be Rabab, the HARLOT) Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth, Obed the father of Jesse, and Jesse the father of King David.”
I am sure you can quickly think of many more examples.

So, here’s my point…Ted Cruz cannot win against Hillary Clinton. It just won’t happen. He can’t even carry the majority of evangelicals, who are supposed to be his base. He will be demolished in the general election. We would have another 4, and probably 8, more years of liberalism that would destroy the America we love.

Have you seen the YUGE crowds that turn out at Trump rallies? Tens of thousands!  No other candidate is even close to the numbers who support Trump. Many people who have never voted before, or have been Democrats or Independents, are voting for Trump. The numbers are there. Millions more are turning out to vote and Trump is leading by a wide margin.  It has become a movement.  A pro-America movement!

Trump is truly being shot at from all directions. And it’s going to get a lot worse, although how can it get worse than being called “Hitler”?  He has already shot political correctness right between the eyes. If for no other reason than this, he should be President!

Let me be clear…If Trump was pro-abortion, I would never in a million years, vote for him. He isn’t. Trump is PRO-LIFE. What is the most important thing concerning Planned Parenthood? To save the babies! Trump will defend the babies.

He will also defend Christians. He says Christians are under siege “We’re going to protect Christianity,” he said.

He will defend America. Trump is pro-America all the way!

The one who wins the primary must be able to win against the onslaught that will come from the Democrats. We can’t take a chance on someone who will lose, just because they “seem” to be more “Christian”.

The most important thing in this race is to win in November. To win back the White House.

I ask you to think about it. Consider it carefully. I would like to live out my life in the America that I recognize. Donald Trump will work hard to help us  Make America Great Again.

It is life or death for America.  Choose life!

Hearing And Declaring God's Word


Reflecting on the Love of God and the Hope found when reflected on his Word

The Gourmand Mom

Good food, seasoned with a dash of life

Hearing And Declaring God's Word

Michael Pink

Hearing And Declaring God's Word

Reflections of a Trail Blazer

Excellence in the service of the Lord