For All The Troubled Hearts

Happy New Year

On this New Years Eve 2014, I have felt the Father’s heart longing to reach out to His children, as well as to those who don’t yet know Him.

This is what I hear in a song:

“For all the troubled hearts, For all the troubled hearts, For all the troubled hearts, here’s what I say to you:

Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God. Believe in Me.

My peace I give to you. To you, I give My peace.

In My Father’s house, there’s plenty room for you.

I’m preparing a place, where you will see Me face to face.”

That place is available, even now, as we take the time to come into His presence and be still before Him. You will be amazed as you sit quietly and wait. Just wait. Still your hearts, your mind. Think only on Him. Just Him. Wait for the Spirit before you utter a single word. This is communion with God.

As Jesus longed to gather Jerusalem’s children as a hen gathers her chicks, so He still reaches out His arms of love and comfort to whosoever will.

I also hear the Lord saying that in this coming year of 2015, we as His people are to take control of our circumstances with the weapons of our warfare. One of those is praise. As King Jehoshaphat sent forth the praisers into the battle, let us do the same. Praise the Lord in the beauty of His holiness.

“Let My joy rise up in you even as a weapon. Dance before Me with all your might and sing with loud shouts of joy. This is a mighty weapon to defeat your enemies.”

Let’s make 2015 a year of entering in to our inheritance. It’s all paid for! Eat your fill from the table He has so lavishly prepared! Drink of the new wine from His cup. Live life to the fullest as we continue this great adventure.

He loves us. Oh, how He loves us.

May it be said of us… “Oh, how they love Him!”

Happy New Year , dear ones.

4 thoughts on “For All The Troubled Hearts”

  1. With everything going on in the world, it is easy for one’s heart to be troubled. What a powerful reminder of HIs great love for us. How we need to still our hearts and quiet the noise and just listed for Him.

    The Lord spoke through you tonight my Judy Ann. I am so elated that you separated yourself unto Him tonight to receive this word, not only for you and for me, but for all the troubled hearts out there.

    I only wish they could hear you sing the song that you wrote in this message. Thank you for singing it for me. So anointed!

    Love you Judy Ann!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you, Judy, for such an encouragement. It blesses me when I hear true prophetic words that lead people into what God has already done so that they can enjoy what He is doing. Your voice is one that is being heard. A blessed year for both you and Michael. Grace and Agape!


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